Holy crap. We just let this thing loose onto the internet! I feel relieved, excited and super nervous. This is like jumping off a cliff for me, but I'm happy as hell to finally get something going that combines my love of drawing and my wild n' wonderful home state of WV. It started with a couple of loose ideas, then some t-shirt slingin' at some tailgates and lots of positive feedback from friends and family. When I was kid, I couldn't wait to get out of West Virginia. As I grew up, I came to realize the awesome beauty, history and people that was at my doorstep. My pride for my state, and it's people is unbound and unmatched. We're a rare people in this world. I feel special to have the majesty of this place surrounding me, and to have made friends, sung songs, and reveled in it's natural wonders. That's what this whole project is dedicated to. The realization of how truly special this place and it's people are. That's what Made In West Virginia is all about. Thanks, and Cheers!